Considering being an Owner-Builder?
- October
Posted By : Robert Joyce
Considering being an Owner-Builder?

Are you considering managing your own renovation or new home project? Then before you act, I would like you to consider a few things.

Being an Owner-Builder is not for everybody.

I recently visited a business networking event and while I was talking to all the local business people, I heard the old phrase:

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur…!”

This statement has never been truer, than with the building industry. It is a statement that I have heard time and time again and, in my profession, it has never been more important to emphasise this to my clients.

As an architect and a building inspector, all too often I get called in to assist owner builders who are having disputes with their builder or contractors. In 90% of cases the owner-builders haven’t hired building professionals i.e. an architect, a registered builder or licensed tradespersons to do the work. Why? Because they believe they are saving money by not hiring professionals and managing the project themselves.

The result: D.I.Y. Disaster…

Frustrated Owner Builder
Frustrated Owner Builder

It often costs more in the long run on several different fronts. It often takes a lot longer for the project to be completed (TIME), it often cost more money (COST: budget blowouts) and the owners then settle for poor workmanship (QUALITY), because they become sick of the project and want their life back. Altogether equalling a poorly managed project providing a poor result.

The best advice I can give anyone thinking of building or renovating is to hire a professional from the start, to manage your project for you so that you don’t have to. Be that an architect or a registered builder you will significantly gain from their experience and knowledge. Now while you may think of this as self-serving, this advice is the best way forward for any projects no matter its size or industry – hire the professionals!

As an example, consider this for a minute. Your wanting to do a renovation to your home so you get the plans and permits drawn up and you’re ready to go, so now you can get stuck in and hire the carpenter, right? What about the plumber, the electrician, the plasterer, the painter, the window installer etc… When do they come? And, what about all their questions? Questions like: “When do you want us on site mate? Oh, next week? No, we are booked out for the next 4 weeks in advance. Windows? No problem we have 14-week lead time… What type of roof tiles do you want? What colour are you painting these walls?” and so it goes on…

As the owner-builder / project manager in charge of your renovation, you will not only need answers to all these questions but need to manage them as well. Lastly and most importantly as the owner-builder you’re legally responsible for the result and you need to provide a guarantee for the work that is completed…

On top of this most people still have a day job and family life to contend with. This becomes very time consuming, stressful and emotional for many people and that leads to frustration, poor communication and in some cases divorce.

Knowing how to coordinate all these individual trades, keeping an eye on their workmanship, working to a schedule and a budget is the expertise of a builder. Knowing how to design buildings incorporating local and Australian standards, coordinating consultants (councils, engineers, building surveyors etc.) organising and managing building contracts, tendering and negotiating on price, reviewing schedules & budgets, responding to requests for information (R.F.I.), reviewing variations & progress claims, selecting and specifying the design items such as the brand, make and models, sizes, colours, textures etc. is the expertise of an architect.

So, I ask you is it worth it to try and do it yourself and try to save a few bucks? Is it worth you working two jobs, your day job and the renovation? Is it worth all the financial and emotional stress that renovations can bring to your family life? Or, is it a better idea to hire a professional?

Stress free renovations are our speciality. If you want a stress-free renovation, then call Spire Architects (1300 17 74 73) for a free 30 minute, no obligation over the phone consultation.

We manage the project for you, so you don’t have to. We give you back your life!

Spire Architects. Inspired Designs for Inspired People.